International MBA Faculty

The Graduate School of Business Administration has an outstanding faculty, with international academic reputations and extensive teaching experience in the United States and elsewhere. In addition, leading academics from other universities in Israel, as well as distinguished faculty from prestigious institutions around the globe, teach selected classes in the International MBA program in their respective areas of expertise.

Name Biography
Hillel Basch was affiliated with banks, brokerage and financial firms prior to starting an independent financial consulting firm - Smart Options. He holds a…
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Jeff Dodick has a B.Sc. in biology and earth science, as well as an M.Sc. in evolutionary biology from the University of Toronto (Canada). Additionally he has…
Dr. Yael Elraz Shapira is a graduate of the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University. She has extensive experience in organizational consulting for…
Roy Gelbard is Chairman of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University.  He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Information Systems…
Dr. Raveh Harush is the Head of the Management Specialization and Center for Business Simulations at the Bar-Ilan University School of Business Administration…
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Dr. Josman is a cognitive and organizational psychologist by training. He frequently serves as a visiting professor at numerous universities: Rutgers, Verona,…
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His interests include organizational behavior and emphasis on withdrawal, power/influence techniques, and research methodology. Meni has authored five books…
Dr. Mazor is an expert in high-tech entrepreneurship, innovation, and in the making of international businesses, with 28 years of experience in the USA and…
Alon Raviv, Director of the International MBA program, joined the BIU faculty in the Fall of 2012. Prior to his current position, he was a faculty member at…
Senior Lecturer in Economics at Netanya Academic College. In addition, has taught graduate level classes at New York University, Trinity College and Boston…
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Scientific consultant to the Deputy Director of the Israeli Government Corporations Authority, Ministry of Finance.  Lectures on Business Management in…