Principles of Marketing
The basic purpose of the course is to present a comprehensive framework for analysis, strategy formulation, and tactical marketing decision making for any product, service or idea. The course takes a "value" approach to marketing. That is, creating value for customers, strategic partners, and for the company itself is considered the ultimate goal of the marketing process. The creation of this "Optimal Value Proposition" is the core of the course.
Social Media Marketing
This course covers the development of social media and the marketing implications derived from this; consumer behavior online, in social media and on various platforms; a strategic approach to planning, developing and managing social media content; how to encourage consumer engagement and sharing by consumers; dealing with crises and negative buzz; and using social media to care for and commune with customers.
International Marketing
This course aims to familiarize students with a number of issues and problems associated with marketing across national borders at both the export and multinational ends of the spectrum. Students will develop an understanding of both failed and outstandingly successful international marketing practices and programs.
Service Management & Design
Although service is important, most companies are unable to deliver excellent service and turn it into a competitive advantage. The aim of this course is to expose students to the unique challenges and complexity of marketing services and to increase students' awareness of the importance of service to business success. This course will allow participants to use service marketing as a branding tool and maximize success.