Financial Aid

Financial Aid for Immigrants to Israel

Immigrants to Israel, who are under the age of 30, are currently eligible to receive stipends from the Immigration Office for approximately $7000 for the program.

Financial Aid for Non-Immigrants to Israel

Bar-Ilan University Scholarships

For information about the scholarships offered by the Scholarship Committee of Bar-Ilan University, contact the Scholarships and Loans Division:

Department Head: Dr. Orly Perl


Submission deadline:
M.A.: October 15, 2024

Helyn B. Reich Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the American Zionist Movement to Jewish American students enrolled in one of several designated Israeli universities or programs for at least a semester. The scholarship seeks to recognize candidates who have demonstrated academic excellence, pro-Israel activities and leadership, and commitment to future involvement with the American Zionist community. Scholarships are awarded each fall and spring, with amounts generally ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. The application deadline for the next round is January 15, 2023. For more information, visit or email


The Dean Of Students Office – Ombudsman – offers different kinds of loans to students. For further information, contact the Overseas Students Program Office:

Sara Luzon
Tel: +972-773 643 585
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan 5290002


Other Loan Resources:

The Israel Post Bank Loans