Mazor Avi
- Dr. Mazor is an expert in high-tech entrepreneurship, innovation, and in the making of international businesses, with 28 years of experience in the USA and China markets.
- Dr. Mazor is a managing director of Diadem Inc., based in Shanghai, China, which brings Israeli and other foreign companies and investors to the China market, to cooperate with Chinese companies and co-investments with Chinese investors. The company also brings Chinese companies to international markets.
- He is also V.P. Business Development of Mindex ,active in the worlds of video, big data and analytics.
- Dr. Mazor is active in both the academic and business worlds. His previous positions include Managing Director of Motorola Ventures – the strategic investment arm of Motorola Inc., USA ; Managing Director of Telesoft Partners – a silicon valley based venture capital firm; Co-founder of startup companies; Authorized Contractor of the World Bank. Dr. Mazor is a senior lecturer of business management in universities and colleges in Israel and China, including Ono Academic College, Bar Ilan University, Technion, Ben Gurion University, Ruppin Academic Center.
Last Updated Date : 17/11/2022